Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I went fly fishing in my uncles pond with dry fly and caught a bunch of bluegills. They may be small, but they have a fighting spirit and are fun to catch on a fly rod. I caught about 10, but I could've caught more because I went fishing for only a 1/2 hour. Here is a few that where worth taking pictures of.This is one of the biggest bluegills I have ever caught. And take a look at that ear! (the ear is the flap that hangs off the gill. No it is not a real ear.) It was early dawn.An averaged sized bluegill. I lost the original bait I used, so here is the closest thing I have to it; a large mosquito dry fly I made myself.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua, if you click on the cluster map that is on our blog, you can see, beneath the map, a button that says "To get your own ClustrMap, register here." After you register I think (if I remember right) you have to add a third party HTML gadget to your sidebar and copy and paste the HTML code there.

    I have a question for you, Joshua: I'd love to learn the names of the fish out here, but I don't have any good books to help me identify Pacific Ocean fish. Do you know of any good books I can purchase?

    Love you lots,
