Tuesday, April 10, 2012

West Canada Creek #2

We decided to fishing in the West Canada Creek again this vacation. We didn't catch anything until the end. And when we did, the trout came in size, not numbers. Actually Michael was the only one who caught anything. But I wouldn't call a 14 inch, 2lb Brown Trout just anything.

Hyder Creek

Me and Micheal, just for fun decided to go fishing in a small, local creek called Hyder Creek. It is a small tributary to Canadrago Lake, and me and Michael thought ther might be some native brookies in there. it turns out there wasn't at the time, but there might have been before a flash flood last fall washed them downstream. Michael caught a horned dace at a damed off place. Good size for a minnow.
Me and Michael fishing

Michael's horned dace

The Sauquoit Creek

The first day of spring break (actually right after we got out of school) me and dad went trout fishing in Sauquoit Creek (mentioned in "The Brook Trout") . Early on it didn't seem like we were going to catch anything, but I went one pond and fished for a little bit, and WHAM! : the first trout of the year.An 8 inch Brown Trout Me with the trout
After that, I went to another pool and.......An 11 inch Brown Trout caught by me. Dad caught a small trout but forgot to take a picture. They were great trout, but the lower part of the river is polluted, so we released them. Actually, the larger one decided to release himself. He jumped out of my hand when I wasabout to put him back.